In a world that never slows down, let’s take a moment to embrace the power of stillness. Rest is a necessity for our minds, bodies, and souls. At Good Fortune, we're on a mission to help you discover the beauty of rest. Whether it's carving out a few minutes for your skincare at night or a rejuvenating spa day, we believe that these precious moments are key to your well-being. However, rest is more than just a mental pause; your body will break down without it!
How do we define rest? Dr. Margareta Asp writes, "The essence of rest is being in harmony in motivation, feeling, and action." Her 2015 study suggests that rest is more than comfort; it is both a state of being and an ACT! If you are burned out, yet continue overworking yourself, you will never find rest. Our society celebrates "the grind" to its detriment. Research shows us that being constantly stressed and burned out LEADS TO DISEASE. So, in this world of incessant hustle, how do we find relief and create balance for ourselves?
Dr. Asp also writes, "The essence of rest is characterized by a sense of confidence and trust in one’s own inviolable human dignity and in being loved." Read that again! We find rest when we can completely be at peace with our surroundings and within ourselves. I don't think many of us can say those moments happen often. Our surroundings can be disrupted by a stuffed inbox, a mountain of laundry, a growing list of household repairs, etc. Our inward disruptions can be anger, a lack of self-worth, a negative mindset, the list goes on and on. How can anyone find rest with these endless disruptors? We could say that we're allowed to rest when everything is finished/fixed/solved/worked out. If that's you... how's that going?
I'll tell you a secret. You are allowed to rest even if the dishes aren't done. Groundbreaking, right? I don't say this to mean you never have to do chores again (unfortunately), but you are allowed to recognize when you have done enough. You have permission to give yourself grace! Finishing everything on your to-do list is not an appropriate price to pay for disrupting your nervous system.To discover what rest looks like for you, learn to understand and honor your feelings, both emotionally and physically. Rest will come when you do what you can and make peace with not doing anything else.
This is where Good Fortune steps in. We advocate for self-care and rest not to get our schedule filled- we do this because we care about our community's wellbeing. Each of us here hopes to cultivate a culture of balance. Our mission is "creating a sanctuary of wellness through tranquil respite, intentional service, and clean products." We want to provide a place of rest so that you can find your own strength to thrive!
Shifting your mindset from criticism and negativity to grace and positivity will allow you to accomplish more in the long run. Allowing yourself time for a Foot Therapy service once a month doesn't just promote blood flow and make your skin softer; it honors the hard work your body does, gives you time to breathe deeply, and reminds your brain that it doesn't have to race constantly to be successful. Remember, even the stars need a little darkness to shine their brightest.